# Installation

Make sure you fulfilled the requirements before going any further.

For an ezPAARSE installation on a Windows OS, you will have to use a dockerized container. Please see below.

# Without Docker

# Stable version

To install the last stable version on a Unix system, open a console and enter:

git clone https://github.com/ezpaarse-project/ezpaarse.git
cd ezpaarse
git checkout `git describe --tags --abbrev=0`

# Video Demonstration

This screencast (opens new window) demonstrates the previous instructions.

# Development version

If you wish to install the development version, open a console and enter:

git clone https://github.com/ezpaarse-project/ezpaarse.git
cd ezpaarse

# With Docker and Compose

ezPAARSE is available as a docker image (opens new window).

To run it with docker, you will need to install Docker (opens new window) and Docker-Compose (opens new window).

Then, you can either grab the docker-compose.yml file alone:

mkdir ezpaarse/
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ezpaarse-project/ezpaarse/master/docker-compose.yml
test -f config.local.json || echo '{}' > config.local.json

or clone the github repository:

git clone https://github.com/ezpaarse-project/ezpaarse.git
cd ezpaarse
test -f config.local.json || echo '{}' > config.local.json