# Installation

Make sure you fulfilled the requirements before going any further.

For an ezPAARSE installation on a Windows OS, you will have to use a dockerized container. Please see below.


# With source code

  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/ezpaarse-project/ezpaarse
  1. Go to ezPAARSE directory and use the command make to install.

This command will will check whether your server has all the necessary prerequisites and download all dependencies and resources to enable ezPAARSE to work properly.

cd ezpaarse
git checkout `git describe --tags --abbrev=0`

There may be an error saying that it is impossible to connect to mongodb. If there is only this error, it still means that ezPAARSE has been installed correctly, but that no mongoDB is installed.


At the end of the command, you should see this type of result.


# With docker

ezPAARSE is available as a docker image (opens new window).

To run it with docker, you will need to install Docker (opens new window) and Docker-Compose (opens new window).

Then, you can either grab the docker-compose.yml file alone:

mkdir ezpaarse/
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ezpaarse-project/ezpaarse/master/docker-compose.yml
test -f config.local.json || echo '{}' > config.local.json

or clone the github repository:

git clone https://github.com/ezpaarse-project/ezpaarse.git
cd ezpaarse
test -f config.local.json || echo '{}' > config.local.json

If you install ezPAARSE with docker compose, there's no need to install mongodb in addition.

# MongoDB

ezPAARSE needs a mongodb to work, it can store the admin account, PKBs cache and processing history. by default, ezPAARSE tries to connect to a mongodb which is available on port 27017.

ezPAARSE loads PKBs on mongodb. As of mongodb version 6, this feature is no longer available.

# Official packages

You can install mongodb on your server via official packages (opens new window).

# Docker

It's easier to install mongodb at the right version with docker.

# Create mongodb image.
# You can use other versions but this may have an impact on PKB.
docker run -p 27017:27017 --name ezpaarse-db -d mongo:3.6.23
# Start mongodb.
docker start ezpaarse-db
# Stop mongodb.
docker stop ezpaarse-db