# Alerts

# Principles

When you process log files with ezPAARSE, a number of processing indicators are generated:

  • number of log lines read,
  • number of rejected log line,
  • number of recognized platforms, etc.

Those indicators can be used to detect anomalies during the processing, based on figures considered as "normal".

# How to know if alerts have been generated?

The list of alerts is available in the processing report. If the mail notification is activated, you'll also receive this list with the email that is sent when the processing has completed.

NB: the activation of the alert system needs a sufficient quantity of relevant log lines. The activation threshold is set in the config.json file, with the activationThreshold key. It can also be modified with the Alerts-Activation-Threshold header.

# Available Alerts

# Unknown Domains

This alert is generated when a domain frequently appears in the log lines but no associated parser has been found. The appearence rate is calculated with the sum of relevant log lines.

  appearance_rate = appearance_sum / (total_of_loglines - ignored_lines) * 100

The activation threshold is set in the config.json file, with the unknownDomainsRate key. It can also be modified with the Alerts-Unknown-Domains-Rate header.

This alert simply means that ezPAARSE is not able to work for a certain amount of log lines you are providing it with. Most of the time, it is normal behavior because there is a lot more activity in logfiles that ezPAARSE is interested in.