# abesid-to-etab

Add information about institution with abesID

# Enriched fields

Name Type Description
siren String IDP.
institutionName String Name of institution.
institutionType String Type of institution.
institutionAddress String Postal address of institution.
institutionCity String City of institution.
institutionPhone String Phone of institution.
institutionContact String Contact of institution.
institutionEmail String Contact email of institution.
institutionIpRange String IP range of institution.

# Prerequisites

idp-to-abes-id enrichment middleware needs abes-id.

You must use idp-to-abes-id after filter, parser, deduplicator middleware.

# Headers

  • idp-to-abes-id-source-field : Fields in the ec for enrichment. "abes-id" by default.
  • idp-to-abes-id-enriched-fields : Enriched fields in the CE.
  "Siren": "siren",
  "Nom de l'etablissement": "institutionName",
  "Type de l'etablissement": "institutionType",
  "Adresse de l'etablissement": "institutionAddress",
  "Ville": "institutionCity",
  "Telephone contact": "institutionPhone",
  "Nom et prenom contact": "institutionContact",
  "Adresse mail contact": "institutionEmail",
  "IP validees": "institutionIpRange"

By default. Example : "": "" Is not recommended to update field in csv file.

# Example

# How to use

# ezPAARSE admin interface

You can add idp-to-abes-id by default to all your enrichments, To do this, go to the middleware section of administration.


# ezPAARSE process interface

You can use idp-to-abes-id for an enrichment process. You just add the middleware.


# ezp

You can use idp-to-abes-id for an enrichment process with ezp (opens new window) like this:

# enrich with one file
ezp process <path of your file> \
  --host <host of your ezPAARSE instance> \
  --settings <settings-id> \
  --header "ezPAARSE-Middlewares: idp-to-abes-id" \
  --out ./result.csv

# enrich with multiples files
ezp bulk <path of your directory> \
  --host <host of your ezPAARSE instance> \
  --settings <settings-id> \
  --header "ezPAARSE-Middlewares: idp-to-abes-id" 

# curl

You can use idp-to-abes-id for an enrichment process with curl like this:

curl -X POST -v http://localhost:59599 \
  -H "ezPAARSE-Middlewares: idp-to-abes-id" \
  -H "Log-Format-Ezproxy: <line format>" \
  -F "file=@<log file path>"

Last Updated: 1/24/2025, 1:17:13 PM