# Consultation/Access Events

A consultation event (also known as "access event") is what ezPAARSE produces when it detects an actual consultation of e-resource in the logs. Each consultation event is generated with some generic data found in the original log line (date, user login, URL of the resource...), and is enriched with various methods.

By default, ezPAARSE produces a CSV output with a limited amount of fields. You can add or remove some fields by using the Output-Fields header. You can also choose a JSON output to get access events with all their properties.

Here is a list of fields that can be found in the consultation events :

# Typical Properties of an Access Event

Attribute Name Description Example
date Date of the consultation event 2014-12-16
login Login, encrypted or not 8olq8
platform ezPAARSE Platform's short code (ie. parser's name) eg: sd for siencedirect hw
platform_name long name of the vendor's platform Highwire
publisher_name Long name of the publisher (can be different from the platform name) American Physiological Society
rtype Resource type ARTICLE
mime Mime type of the ressource PDF
print_identifier usually ISSN (paper) 0021-9797
online_identifier usually eISSN (electronic) 0021-9898
title_id Title identifier (see KBART specification) ACHRE
doi 10.1007/s10557-015-6582-9
publication_Title Book or journal title Journal of Pediatric Surgery
unitid see below SOO21979714009205
domain domain name as found in the requested URL ac.els-cdn.com
geoip-country Country abbrev. found for the host's IP address FR
geoip-latitude Latitude found for the host's IP address 62
geoip-longitude Longitude found for the host's IP address 15
datetime Time for the consultation event 2014-12-16T09:58:43
host IP address of the user
url URL requested by the user to access a resource http://link.springer.com:80/article/10.1007/s10557-015-6582-9
status HTTP status 200
size Request size (in bytes) 65816
log_id Unique ID calculated by applying a SHA1 on the log line f9c2c138f4998573b893696c3de3341cdabd1fb0

For more information, see all the fields you can request.

# Resources' identifiers

The identifier of a resource allows to characterize the access events associated with it. It can take the values defined in the table below (loaded from the settings of ezPAARSE (opens new window)). A resource can also be characterized by several identifiers at the same time (eg. a proprietary identifier and an ISBN).

Code Description

# UnitId

The unitid contains the most accurate identifier for a consultation event on a platform (ie. which describes it with the finest granularity). This identifier does not exclude the use of other identifiers. It is used for the deduplication of access events according to the COUNTER (opens new window) standard in use and provides librarians with useful indicators.

This may be the DOI or a more complex identifier that will spot as precisely as possible what has been consulted (eg. a paragraph of an article of a page of a book).

# Resources Types (rtype)

The type of a resource allows to know the nature of a resource and characterize the associated access event. It can take one of the values defined in the table below (loaded from settings of ezPAARSE (opens new window)).

Code Description

# Resources Formats (mime)

The format of a resource allows to characterize the associated access event. It can take one of the values defined in the table below (loaded from the settings of ezPAARSE (opens new window)).

Code Description