# thesesfr

Fetches thesesfr API from ABES. This middleware is used only for log from these.fr.

# Enriched fields

Name Type Description
rtype String
numSujet String
etabSoutenanceN String
etabSoutenancePpn String
codeCourt String
dateSoutenance String
anneeSoutenance String
dateInscription String
anneeInscription String
statut String
discipline String
ecoleDoctoraleN String
ecoleDoctoralePpn String
partenaireRechercheN String
partenaireRecherchePpn String
auteurN String
auteurPpn String
directeurN String
directeurPpn String
presidentN String
presidentPpn String
rapporteursN String
rapporteursPpn String
membresN String
membresPpn String
personneN String
personnePpn String
organismeN String
organismePpn String
idp_etab_nom String
idp_etab_ppn String
idp_etab_code_court String
platform_name String
publication_title String
source String Coming soon
domaine String Coming soon
doiThese String Coming soon
accessible String Coming soon
langue String Coming soon

# Prerequisites

You must use thesesfr after filter, parser, deduplicator middleware.

# Recommendation

This middleware should be used before thesesfr and thesesfr-organisme.

# Headers

  • thesesfr-ttl : Lifetime of cached documents, in seconds. Defaults to 7 days (3600 * 24 * 7).
  • thesesfr-throttle : Minimum time to wait between queries, in milliseconds. Defaults to 200ms.
  • thesesfr-base-wait-time : Time to wait before retrying after a query fails, in milliseconds. Defaults to 1000ms. This time doubles after each attempt.
  • thesesfr-paquet-size : Maximum number of identifiers to send for query in a single request. Defaults to 50.
  • thesesfr-buffer-size : Maximum number of memorized access events before sending a request. Defaults to 1000.
  • thesesfr-max-attempts : Maximum number of trials before passing the EC in error. Defaults to 5.
  • thesesfr-user-agent : Specify what to send in the User-Agent header when querying thesesfr. Defaults to ezPAARSE (https://readmetrics.org; mailto:ezteam@couperin.org).

# How to use

# ezPAARSE admin interface

You can add or remove thesesfr by default to all your enrichments, provided you have added an API key in the config. To do this, go to the middleware section of administration.


# ezPAARSE process interface

You can use thesesfr for an enrichment process. You just add the middleware


# ezp

You can use thesesfr for an enrichment process with ezp (opens new window) like this:

# enrich with one file
ezp process <path of your file> \
  --host <host of your ezPAARSE instance> \
  --settings <settings-id> \
  --header "ezPAARSE-Middlewares: thesesfr" 
  --out ./result.csv

# enrich with multiples files
ezp bulk <path of your directory> \
  --host <host of your ezPAARSE instance> \
  --settings <settings-id> \
  --header "ezPAARSE-Middlewares: thesesfr" 

# curl

You can use thesesfr for an enrichment process with curl like this:

curl -X POST -v http://localhost:59599 \
  -H "ezPAARSE-Middlewares: thesesfr" \
  -H "Log-Format-Ezproxy: <line format>" \
  -F "file=@<log file path>"

Last Updated: 1/24/2025, 10:38:03 AM