# thesesfr-personne
Fetches thesesfr-personne API from ABES. This middleware is used only for log from these.fr.
# Enriched fields
Name | Type | Description |
rtype | string | |
nnt | string | |
numSujet | string | |
etabSoutenanceN | string | |
etabSoutenancePpn | string | |
codeCourt | string | |
dateSoutenance | string | |
anneeSoutenance | string | |
dateInscription | string | |
anneeInscription | string | |
statut | string | |
discipline | string | |
ecoleDoctoraleN | string | |
ecoleDoctoralePpn | string | |
partenaireRechercheN | string | |
partenaireRecherchePpn | string | |
auteurN | string | |
auteurPpn | string | |
directeurN | string | |
directeurPpn | string | |
presidentN | string | |
presidentPpn | string | |
rapporteursN | string | |
rapporteursPpn | string | |
membresN | string | |
membresPpn | string | |
personneN | string | |
personnePpn | string | |
organismeN | string | |
organismePpn | string | |
idp_etab_nom | string | |
idp_etab_ppn | string | |
idp_etab_code_court | string | |
platform_name | string | |
publication_title | string | |
accessible | string | coming soon |
source | string | coming soon |
domain | string | coming soon |
langue | string | coming soon |
doiThese | string | coming soon |
# Prerequisites
Ec needs unitid and rtype equal to RECORD.
You must use thesesfr-personne after filter, parser, deduplicator middleware.
# Recommendation
This middleware should be used after thesesfr and before thesesfr-organisme.
# Headers
- thesesfr-personne-ttl : Lifetime of cached documents, in seconds. Defaults to
7 days (3600 * 24 * 7)
. - thesesfr-personne-throttle : Minimum time to wait between queries, in milliseconds. Defaults to
ms. - thesesfr-personne-base-wait-time : Time to wait before retrying after a query fails, in milliseconds. Defaults to
ms. This timedoubles
after each attempt. - thesesfr-personne-paquet-size : Maximum number of identifiers to send for query in a single request. Defaults to
. - thesesfr-personne-buffer-size : Maximum number of memorized access events before sending a request. Defaults to
. - thesesfr-personne-max-attempts : Maximum number of trials before passing the EC in error. Defaults to
. - thesesfr-personne-user-agent : Specify what to send in the
header when querying thesesfr-personne. Defaults toezPAARSE (https://readmetrics.org; mailto:ezteam@couperin.org)
# How to use
# ezPAARSE admin interface
You can add or remove thesesfr-personne by default to all your enrichments, provided you have added an API key in the config. To do this, go to the middleware section of administration.
# ezPAARSE process interface
You can use thesesfr-personne for an enrichment process. You just add the middleware
# ezp
You can use thesesfr-personne for an enrichment process with ezp (opens new window) like this:
# enrich with one file
ezp process <path of your file> \
--host <host of your ezPAARSE instance> \
--settings <settings-id> \
--header "ezPAARSE-Middlewares: thesesfr-personne"
--out ./result.csv
# enrich with multiples files
ezp bulk <path of your directory> \
--host <host of your ezPAARSE instance> \
--settings <settings-id> \
--header "ezPAARSE-Middlewares: thesesfr-personne"
# curl
You can use thesesfr-personne for an enrichment process with curl like this:
curl -X POST -v http://localhost:59599 \
-H "ezPAARSE-Middlewares: thesesfr-personne" \
-H "Log-Format-Ezproxy: <line format>" \
-F "file=@<log file path>"