# Documentation

The documentation you are reading just now is powered by Vuepress (opens new window).

# Development

You can run a live server with the following command :

npm run docs:dev

Then visit http://localhost:8080/ (opens new window)

# Deployment

To generate static assets, run :

npm run docs:build

The documentation is generated in doc/.vuepress/dist/ and can be deployed to any static file server. However, please note that the base URL is /ezpaarse/, so you won't be able to serve it from root.

Any change to the doc directory on the master branch will automatically trigger a build and a deployment to GitHub Pages. This deployment workflow is achieved via Github Actions.

# Configuration

The Vuepress configuration is located in .vuepress/config.js. Head to this file if you need to update the sidebar, menu, theme, or any other option.

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# Asssets handling

Assets are stored in the .vuepress/public directory. You can reference them using relative URLs.

<img :src="$withBase('/images/image.png')" alt="An image" />

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# Frontmatter

Markdown files can contain a YAML frontmatter block containing page-specific variables. You can set predefined variables to alter some page components (sidebar, title, previous and next buttons...), or create your own. Those variables are available to use through the $frontmatter variable.

title: Blogging with VuePress
lang: en-US

# {{ $frontmatter.title }}

My blog post is written in {{ $frontmatter.language }}.

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# Using Vue in Markdown

Any *.vue file found in .vuepress/components is automatically registered as a global component and can be used in Markdown files. Please note that components' name must be in PascalCase.

You can also define a page-specific Vue component by writting a <script> or <style> tag in the Markdown file.

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